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Monday, September 28, 2009

Should I..?

I feel so uncomfortable now..
Not sure weather it cause by what..
But I think mostly came from stress..
Im not a smart babe..
So that im always the one who get bully right?
Sad case..

I tried to ignore other thingy that are annoying me..
But just couldnt..
Because Im still a naive kiddie..
Who cant control myself well..
 And wasted my energy..

Im confusing..
Actually i had an idea..
The question keep surrounding me..
Should I..?

I met an uncle that day..
He asked me..
Why dont I choose E-commerce and Finance..
Why dont?

Business Admin is a course that work with 
some traditional business solutions..
Hope TRADITIONAL doesnt equals to UNCLE AUNTIE..

Should I switch the course?
And I have to start all my thing from the start again..
Damn it..
I hate that kind of feelings..
No one know it..
E-commerce really helps a lot in my real life..
Interests and likes..
And maybe part of my life..


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