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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Im insane today

Narrate something about today first ya..

❤ Went BMS class..
❤ Distribute all the Exam slips..
❤ Solved some BMS questions..
❤ Met Poney and Wenise..
❤ Went HouseCafe for lunch..
❤ Wasted 3hours to do some insaneness and amusing stuffss..
(Reading is always my patent..=P..)
❤ Attended HE tutorial..
❤ Get the coursework result..
❤ Home

This were all I done today..


Im wondering why am I in this course now..XD
Shouldnt be, right? my girls?

I need more gastric tablets..
I knew it always be like that..
Getting ache when stress coming to me..
Lost control on the appetite..


I feel that how amazing I am..
I really been through so many difficulities..
And finally..
Im satisfied..
Will not feel regrets on it anymore..


I like that moment..

When I act like Im really confident..
When I pretend Im really smiling..
When I pretend like I really dont need to tremble at all..


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