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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Shopping day

I'm just back from the town..
Went shopping today with Poney..
How beautiful is it?
And how beautiful is my purse now..
Going empty..
Force myself to bank the remain balance into the bank..
So cruelllll.....
= =

I'm back with my Superrrr formal dress and heels..
After our shopping..
We just keep on blame each other..
" Why u didnt stop me??!! "
" U la..U say nice!! "
And bla bla bla..

We walk around anywhere to search for my dress..
I just can't trust it..
We walk walk walk for around 5 hours..
Just for seeking a dress..

( This or this?)

Poney i love u so much!!!
So So So much!!!

And da..
Alex said I'm getting fatter..

But Poney said i looks thinner now la..

Syok dou jor..

Keep ask Poney to repeat that word..



Something do cause me moody easily..
Bt i manage to chill it..

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